Monday, November 16, 2009

Just a Hormonal Teenager

I'm wearing a t-shirt that says "Free Rifqa." (Today is the rally for Rifqa Bary's rights, here in Columbus OH.) I'm sure that simply because I'm wearing this shirt, I'll be called an anti-Muslim, a bigot, a racist, or any number of terrible names.

After all, real Muslims don't abuse their children for becoming Christians, right?

Real Muslims don't kill their kids for being Christian, or "too western," right?

Well, if "Real Muslims" don't do what? Does that mean it isn't a problem?

Several years ago, my church in Lexington, Kentucky was picketed by the nutjobs from Kansas that call themselves Christians. You know, the ones that wave signs around that say, "God hates F-gs." Our church (Immanuel Baptist) had supported a local gay couple who wanted to have their *quadruplets* baptized in a neighboring Lutheran Church. For that, we were harassed and picketed.

"Real Christians" don't harass gay people! However, that doesn't mean that Real Christians deny the existence of these nutjobs. No one says, "Oh, the Bible says to love your enemies, so this isn't really a problem." Anyone who said that would be a liar. These protesters are a terrible nuisance at funerals of gay people or soldiers. No one would deny that their presence does real psychological harm to anyone in a state of grief. Real Christians don't do this.

No one assumes that saying, "You shouldn't picket gay people's funerals" implies hatred for the entire Christian religion. And last time I checked, the nutjobs in Kansas had not killed anyone. However, any time someone says, "Honor-killing must be stopped," or "threatening/killing Muslim converts to Christianity is wrong," people stumble all over themselves to say, "But waaaaaaaait! There are peeeeeeeeaceful Muslims! You can't say that! They're not all liiiiiiiiiiike that!"

I'm not talking about peaceful Muslims. I'm talking about child abuse, plain and simple. No one is asking, "Did Rifqa's father actually threaten to kill her?" Even the FDLE investigation didn't address this question well! People are just saying, "Real Muslims don't threaten to kill their kids. Rifqa is just a hormonal teenager. She's been brainwashed by other people."

My mother said the exact same thing. My mother physically attacked my sister and her boyfriend, then later claimed the boyfriend attacked *her.* No one would believe my sister--my mom just claimed that my sister was "brainwashed" by the boyfriend!

And my mother was so calm and polite...and such an upstanding member of the community...and a regular church-goer...and a "Real Mother" could NEVER physically harm her kids, right?



I will stand up for Rifqa Bary's rights, today and everyday. I will say that child abuse & killing in the name of Islam (or any religion) must be stopped. That does not make me a Muslim-hater. It does not mean that I deny the existence of peaceful Muslims everywhere. It does mean that I will look at the situation, with a rational mind, and say, "This is wrong."

Join in protesting for Rifqa Bary's freedom today, in Columbus OH. Details are here:

1 comment:

  1. Neal Grayson -
    R.E.A.L. was also in Columbus on Friday:
